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AG’s Report:House commends improved management of public funds

KIMIHURURA - Parliament yesterday commended the notable improvement in the management of state finances that saw over 95 percent of 118 of the state institutions that were audited, coming out with a clean slate.This was during the presentation of the 2009/10 Auditor General’s report at Parliament buildings by the new Auditor General, Obadiah Biraro.
The Auditor General Obadiah Biraro (R) chatting  to MPs Constance Mukayuhi (L) and Connie Bwiza after presentig his report before Parliament yesterday. (Photo J Mbanda)
The Auditor General Obadiah Biraro (R) chatting to MPs Constance Mukayuhi (L) and Connie Bwiza after presentig his report before Parliament yesterday. (Photo J Mbanda)
Edwin Musoni